Taking best practice from across the industry Feasa can work with csuite to understand the goals of the business and to deliver the “Fit -for-Purpose” analysis and a set of clear actionable proposals. These are catagorised into High/Medium /Low recommendations looking at each of the agreed areas with a focus on People, Processes and Technology.
These reviews are tailored to individual business and have been carried out for organisations of all sizes from sub 3m turnover to PLC with over a billion.
The focus is getting actionable results for the business to implement.
Here are some example components that can be covered in the review, these components are agreed with the c-suite:

Delivery approach & capabilities
- The overall approach, tools, frameworks, team skills, agility and key pain points for product and multi-market rollouts.
- Development landscape, reviewing the use of partners, efficiency and cost management
Product Strategy
- Work with your teams to review the current and future take to market strategy for your products
- Reviewing product/feature roadmaps and alignment to the changing auto sector needs
Overall architecture
Generate the high-level architectural diagrams for critical areas of the business Including Infrastructure/Application/Tech Stack As-Is and Proposed To-Be Architecture aligned with business goals
BI Architecture
- Data sources, granularity and structure
- Schema and core data models
- The investigation into both user side and client-side reporting requirements
CRO Architecture
- Measurement structure and availability of baselines
- Topline scope for required data points and tracking additions
- User side and client-side conversion considerations
Cloud Migration
- The opportunities the business could gain from adopting cloud technologies
- A roadmap for the migration baked on delivering early business benefits
Automotive Sector Alignment
A high-level review of alignment with key players in your market place
Protecting the customer and business critical data, complying pragmatically with key legislation