What we do At Feasa

We support Retailers, Manufactures and Partners across the Automotive sector focus on IT Systems, services and developing and delivering their Digital Strategies.
With a long history in delivering software for all parts of the automotive industry, we can help you with everything from providing burst capacity, technical debt resolution, short term specialist skills all the way through to green field development through to full support.
We work with you to help tune your IT teams people, processes and technology to deliver against your business goals. These packages are tuned to your requirements ranging from a rapid review to a detailed health check looking at every aspect of your technical capabilities.
You may have the perfect idea but don’t have the technical or business resources internally to develop it quickly. We can work with you to take your idea and rapidly take it through multiple phases to validate the idea using our proven go to market methodology.
Working closely with the team we can provide the technical validation of the potential purchase or investment opportunity. We will work closely with you to tailor the level of detail to meet your requirements.
We are focussed on helping the Automotive industry make the best of technology. As part of this we are developing products to make it easier to work together and integrate to deliver seamless customer service.
We can provide consultants to help your business with a range of engagement models, from Interim roles through to running innovation workshops to tackle complex problems – we can help.
We have been working on Automotive Salesforce implementations for over 10 years. We have helped implement, maintain and develop solutions from Leasing companies to large Dealer groups.