Tech-led supercar sales with HR Owen’s Brett Ward
Expectations of a seamless digital journey are set to be exceeded with new technology at HR Owen’s new multi-brand supercar showroom in Hatfield, chief technical officer Brett Ward has told the AM News Show.
“There’s lots of really cool stuff we’re trying to look at,” Ward told the AM News Show.
“(HR Owen chief executive Ken Choo) is really on board with it and it is giving the experience to the customers that they can’t get anywhere else.
Ward joined Carwow chief executive James Hind, AM editor Tim Rose and news and features editor Tom Sharpe to discuss the innovations that define the AM100 car retail group’s customer experienced-focussed luxury retail process.
He and Hind both agreed that the key trait of a luxury digital sales journey is seamless functionality, a characteristic which extends into the wider marketplace and has driven the success of brands like Amazon.
And while HR Owen’s futuristic-sounding approach to car retail sounds advanced, Ward insists that the automotive sector is still playing catch-up. He said: “We’re quite far behind the wider retail sector and the tech sector and we’re playing catch-up to a point.”
Describing the core role of his team’s work with customer data, Ward said: “We use technology to stitch and thread data together to give what we refer to as insight rather than what other people have, which I suppose is reporting.”
He added: “The technologies not just for selling cars, it’s about making the experience better and better and better and better.”
We at Feasa are delighted that Brett has highlighted the work we have been doing with the H.R. Owen team to integrate multiple key partners into the H.R. Owen Salesforce Landscape.